
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Program Reflections

It is hard to believe that I am finally wrapping up my program after two years of hard work! I have truly enjoyed the courses I have taken, particularly those in the ESL concentration. I believe they have made me a better teacher and helped me to develop a real understanding the second language acquisition process, literacy and linguistics. The courses I took in second language acquisition, ESL methods, linguistics, and grammar not only prepared me to teach English language learners in the future, but also have made me a stronger more confident foreign language teacher in my Spanish classroom. In the Curriculum and Instruction portion of the program one of my favorite, although most challenging, courses was my Multicultural Education course. It really forced me to examine the issues of privilege and power in my classroom and society. I also learned a great deal in classes on curriculum, leadership, educational foundations and research. I found the Action Research course to be especially applicable in to my current teaching practice. Although it was a challenging project, completing research in my classroom truly led to changes in the way I approach teaching and learning.

I found all of the coursework, exams and other university requirements for licensure to be reasonable and appropriate for anyone seeking certification to teach English as a Second Language in Tennessee. I plan to graduate in December, but I am going to take my Praxis examinations in the spring due to BIG changes in my personal life. I am expecting my first baby in a matter of weeks, and, since I do not need certification in ESL to continue in my current position, I plan to enjoy my maternity leave before completing my certification requirements.

One of the most enjoyable and informative aspects of this program was the fieldwork requirement allowing me to work with English language learners. I was so fortunate to be able to work with several ESL professionals this semester who teach ELLs of various ages and backgrounds. I was able to observe, interview and work with students in grades Kindergarten to twelfth grade from countries all over the world. Some students were still working through the silent period while others had acquired advanced fluency. Some students were immigrants and refugees while others were born in the US to limited English proficient families. I am so glad that I was able to work with a variety of ELLs and see an overview of the scenarios I might be expected to work in as an ESL professional. I also especially enjoyed the ethnographic narrative assignment in my fieldwork class this semester. I was able to get to know an amazing student on a more personal level and better meet her needs in my class as a result of our interactions.

Another program requirement that I found especially helpful and that I am particularly proud of is the English Language Learning Wiki that I created for my second language acquisition, methods and linguistics courses. I constantly reference this page when completing projects or talking with colleagues about meeting the needs of ELLs in their classrooms. I know I will continue to use the page as a resource in the future. I also enjoyed creating this reflective blog. While I've never considered writing to be my strong suite, this blog has allowed me to improve my writing skills and reflect of my teaching practice from a variety of perspectives.

If I could give any advice to others considering seeking ESL certification here at MTSU it would be to take advantage of the assignments required by applying them to your own classroom if possible. Applying what you are learning to your current practice helps make it relevant and understandable. Also, online classes require a great deal of discipline and organization, but I truly believe that learning online made me both a better student and teacher. Those considering this program should definitely be prepared to keep up with readings and class assignments carefully. They should also be prepared to improve their communication skills through online discussions and collaborative projects. Avoiding procrastination and taking an active role in each course are definitely the keys to succeeding in the program. Overall I have truly grown personally and professionally and I would highly recommend the program to anyone interested in ESL teaching.

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